
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Power Rangers Megaforce Mini Battle-Ready Figures (Series 1)

So sorry about the long time between updates! My work schedule has been impossible lately, and today has been the first opportunity I've had to get back to Figured Out. So I'm gonna just jump right in.

Today's toy initially irritated me. I really dislike miniature versions of action figures clearly aimed at younger children. They're usually boring and a huge disappointment. But... well, I'll come back to this in a bit.

The front packaging does a good job of showing all the basic information needed. Obviously, there are six basic figures in the series, and the big question mark clearly tells buyers that the figure included is random. And, along with the figure, a card for the Action Card Game is included.

The back of the package shows the six figures that the front already showed off.

But wait! Two other figures are clearly depicted: a translucent version of both the Red Megaforce Ranger and the Robo Knight.

And then! In this series, there are four characters from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers that you could also receive! They're just silhouettes on the packaging, and you can mostly guess which figures they are based on the outlines, but we'll just pretend they're a total mystery for the sake of the continuing review.

The little insert shows each figure with their respective cards, and names which MMPR figures are in this series!: Red Ranger, Black Ranger, and Pink Ranger.

But the reason I decided to give this line a chance and have since collected the entire series (minus the next figure) is simple.

Lord Zedd!

It's the only way to get a Lord Zedd card for the ACG! And it's Lord Zedd! Easily one of my favorite villains of all time from anything ever. I WILL get this figure. It's only a matter of time.

Anyway, I'll finish out with the actual contents of the package.

The card has an animated vision of the character, but other than that, the card is just like any other card in the game.
The figure is super simple. It's mostly a statue, really. Some have up to two points of articulation, others only one. I'm not sure if I've seen any with zero points, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's one or two like that. In the case of the Pink Ranger, the bow arm and the head are poseable. But just barely. Also worthy of notice, the MMPR figures are more deformed than the Megaforce figures. Huge limbs and overemphasized features. It doesn't bother me, strangely. It seems appropriate.

Well, that's it for the Battle-Ready Figures. Again, I'm sorry for the two weeks between this post and the last. I promise I'll be back on schedule soon!

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